Thursday 30 May 2013

Advertisement Journal

I think that this Covergirl ad with Drew Barrymore is ethos because 
she is a celebrity endorsing the mascara.

I think that this ad for Burpee Home Gardens is logos because it has lots of words and information.

I think that this Oreo ad is pathos because it shows desire. It makes you want to buy Oreo cookies because they are "Milk's Favorite Summer Dip".

This ad about Centennial College is avante garde because it suggests that you will be 
ahead of the times at this college.

This weasel words ad tells you that a square shreddie is "boring" and a diamond shreddie is "exciting" while there is no actual difference between the two.

This ad for Molson Canadian is using patriotism because it clearly states that it is made in Canada, and the purpose is to say "if you love your country, you will buy this product".
I think this ad is transfer because it is showing how the product can affect you in a positive way. (ex. the family on the left is enjoying their international travelling)
This Coke ad is plain folks because it shows an ordinary family enjoying a soft drink together.
This Gucci ad is snob appeal because it shows that if you wear Gucci that you will be seen as "luxurious" or "glamorous" because that is how they appear to look.
This ad for Jamba Juice is bribery because they claim if you buy any 
of their smoothies you get another one for free.
This Proactiv ad is bandwagon because it is telling you that you should use this product if you want to get a boyfriend, your acne could be stopping you from doing that.